OLD Event Dates and Tickets
COVID-19 We are very pleased to be back. In order to maintain the safety of our audiences, staff and the general public we will be implementing some changes in line with current Government guidelines:
- A reduction in capacity and limited ticket sales to ensure social distancing can be maintained.
- All tickets to be purchased online with e-ticketing to help with track and trace.
- Audience members should wear a face covering at all times unless exempt on health grounds. If a member of your party is exempt from wearing a face covering please could you inform Lakeland Hauntings in advance on 07949909365?
- Audience members should provide their own PPE; it will not be available through Lakeland Hauntings.
- Audience members must keep to their 'bubble' and maintain social distancing from other groups (2 metre minimum), the general public (2 metre minimum) and the walk host (3 metres minimum).
- If a member of your party feels unwell with possible COVID-19 symptoms prior to the walk please do not attend; contact Lakeland Hauntings as soon as possible. If anyone displays symptoms or has been contacted by the NHS Test and Trace service in the 14 days prior to and after the walk, or tests positive for COVID-19 in that time, please inform Lakeland Hauntings immediately and follow the government guidance on isolating.
Walks take place throughout the year and to take advantage of fair weather the Ghost Walks may be arranged at short notice and might not appear on this page. For the latest information please call/text 07949 909365 or email us at [email protected]
Ghost Walks: £10 Adults £8 Concessions (16 years and under and 65 years and over)
Booking: All tickets must be purchased in advance online. There will be no tickets available on the door and no cash sales.
Lakeland Hauntings has a range of packages available for private parties. Please contact Lakeland Hauntings for details.
Accessibility: The Keswick and Cockermouth Ghost Walks take place entirely on pavements and public footpaths. There are a few steps, inclines and narrow pavements so if you have any mobility concerns please call 07949 909365 for advice.
Children: The Ghost Walks are written with an adult audience in mind but are broadly accessible to children 10 years and above. Please ensure that children are suitably clothed for the conditions.
Dogs: Dogs on leads are very welcome on the walks. There are no loud bangs and the Bush in Cockermouth is a dog friendly pub. Please ensure the presence of your dog does not detrimentally affect the enjoyment of others on the walk.
Please see our Terms and Conditions